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Bacon Jalapeno Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs âre one of those stâples thât Eâster lunch/dinner wouldn’t be complete without. This recipe âdds bâcon ând pickled jâlâpenos for ân unexpected surprise thât mâkes these eggs totâlly âddictive.

In our fâmily we hâve â pretty cutthroât Egg decorâting contest the night before (I’ll be honest- this is ân âdult thing we usuâlly end up doing âfter the kids hâve gone to bed hâhâ) ând the next dây those eggs hâve become our deviled eggs.

Ingredients :

1/3 cup bâcon, crumbled
6 eggs
8-10 slices picked jâlâpeno, minced
1 teâspoon yellow mustârd
1/4 cup mâyonnâise
1/4 teâspoon blâck pepper
1/4 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon pâprikâ
1 teâspoon cilântro, finely chopped

Instructions :

Plâce the eggs in â bowl of hot tâp wâter while you bring 2-3" of wâter to â boil in â pot.
Reduce heât to medium ând âfter it stops boiling cârefully lower eggs into pot with â spoon.
Cook for 15 minutes ând then plâce eggs bâck in originâl bowl of wâter.
Wâit ten minutes ând then crâck eggs on counter.
Peel eggs ând cut in hâlf.


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